How to Prevent Cyber Attacks
Malicious cyber attacks that causes data breaches is the last thing you want for your business. These forms of cyber attacks are not only the most common but the costliest for your business too. Therefore, your business should do everything in its power to prevent cyber attacks from occurring in the first place.
We use Panda Security to optimise the security of your IT systems so that everything that can be done is done to prevent cyber attacks from taking place. With over 30 years’ experience in the field of cyber security, Panda are the leading European vendor of EDR systems and withhold the power to protect you against advanced cyber attacks.
Why Panda Security is key to your business
Panda provides a centralised cloud portal for easy management, licensing, complete visibility and activity reporting all in one holistic system. Not only does this avoid the possibility of investigating false security alerts, but all IT systems can be monitored through the cloud portal itself. As a result, this better improves our IT administrator’s ability to acknowledge any cyber attacks that may be taking place, so as to maximise the prevention of cyber-attacks from occurring.
With Cutting edge EDR technology, Panda are the only EDR with 100% classification and threat hunting as standard. Through threat hunting to identify any malwareless ‘Living off the Land’ and cyber attacks, Panda can prevent any malicious process executing.
Panda also has additional modules such as advanced reporting tool, patch management, encryption and data control, that all go towards increasing your cyber resilience. These additional modules hold no requirement for additional installation or infrastructure and contribute towards the strengthening of your cyber security strategy in preventing cyber attacks from happening.
Understanding the risks associated with stakeholders and staff is the essence behind Panda Security allowing them to safeguard your activity, access and content from all cyber threats.
To optimise the security of your IT systems, contact us today!