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Why your Business Needs to be on the Cloud

It is estimated that approximately 83% of business traffic will involve cloud application, this is driven by smart decision making. No one really understood what the cloud was or how it could help their business when it first came out, but overtime technology has improved allowing there to be flexible solutions to your business. Cloud solutions are now the logical step to help your business and here’s why…

Safer Data

If all of your data is stored on drives then your data is at a higher risk of either becoming corrupted, hacked, crashed or more. When you put your data into the cloud, it will be safe with back-up systems in place in case anything goes wrong.

You’re always updated!

Cloud applications are updated automatically onto all of your devices instantly. The update is running on the data centres end so you are always up to date with the latest security patches and features.


By moving to the cloud you will be removing restrictions on when your employees do their job, they will no longer have to wait until they get back into the office to send an invoice or follow up with a customer to make a sale, they will be able to do this wherever and whenever they want. To do this, all your employees need is an internet-enabled smartphone, tablet or laptop!


All of the data will be held in one place, meaning your employees can collaborate easily. No one will get locked out of files if someone else is using it, with the cloud they will appear in real-time for multiple users. We know how frustrating it can be for staff to collaborate without the right tools to support, so by having a single version of a file your employees can record their ideas faster and the results will become more valuable seeing as they have the right tools to support them!


Your internet needs to be stable and a standard speed to use the cloud to store data, which shouldn’t be an issue considering how fast internet speed is now. The cloud will work with your established network, no matter whether its wired, wi-fi or cellular.

Big and small businesses can use the cloud!

Cloud applications are a great option for big and small business! Smaller businesses only need to subscribe to single user licenses, and bigger businesses will use the multi-user licenses. If you are looking to move your businesses data to the cloud contact us!

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