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Technology Risks that put Your Business in Danger

Technology is great for business, but it plays an important role in most businesses as it lets you save money and increase productivity. Tech and IT will help employees across all areas in a business as new applications and software has massive impacts on business procedures.

However, these advantages come with risk. You need to think of technology like it’s a business partner. People treat technology like it is a silent partner because business lacks the resource to continually monitor and maintain it, when it fails it shouldn’t just be an IT problem, it should be a business problem. Here are 5 IT risks that could be putting your business in danger.


Your technology needs regular monitoring, so you can anticipate challenges before they even happen. A common problem with IT infrastructure is that it doesn’t evolve when a company grows, it just gets left behind. Problems will start occurring when a business grows, and new technology is needed so take time to think what business growth will do to your technology and try to plan ahead.


Weak passwords will put your business at risk, as password protection is only as strong as the passwords themselves. In 2017 the NHS was victim to a huge cyber-attack in 2017, and they are still at risk because staff continue to use weak passwords. To make sure everyone’s password is secure, check them and identify the weak spots that could be spotted by hackers. Use longer passwords that include numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters and add some special characters if you can.


How would losing a large chunk of information impact your business? A recent study shows that 43% of businesses that experience a major loss of computer records are put out of business, and within 2 years 51% have to close down. It is vital to backup your data and then test your backup processes, so you can make sure that you are continuing to backup the right data. Important business can change or row meaning that maybe your storage is too small to store all the information.

Bring your Own Device (BYOD)

BYOD will allow your employees to bring in their own devices like phones and tablets for work, which is good as it increases productivity and lowers costs. However, these devices are open to loss or theft and any information on that device could become vulnerable to unauthorised access. To protect data access, consider using data encryption or remote data wiping. Another good idea is to make a clear BYOD policy which educates employees on device expectations and allows businesses to monitor emails and documents that the employees use.

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